Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tips for Brand New Gardeners

When you are new to gardening figuring out which gardening tips are best is hard. There is quite a lot of conflicting advice and information; sorting through it and finding someone trustworthy to listen to can take quite a bit of time. Gardening is more involved than simply tossing some seeds into your yard and watering them every once in a while. Gardening takes hard work. It be time consuming. It won\'t take long for you to realize that working in your garden, in spite of all of the time and energy it takes from you, is incredibly rewarding. Here are some gardening tips to help you grow the garden of your dreams!

Many gardeners use mulch as a way to keep pests at bay while also increasing the nutrient content of their garden soils. Mulch is a great anti-weed addition to any garden. Many gardeners use mulch to cut down on the amount of maintenance they have to do and because it keeps their gardens healthy. Mulch is popular for a number of reasons.

In addition to keeping the soil moist for your plants the mulch also helps to regulate the temperature of the soil. Most fertilizer is very expensive but mulch is very affordable, which is just one of the reasons it is so popular. Mulch can work just as well without costing you nearly as much. Bees are your friends! You might not like the idea of having to deal with bees, but they are fantastic helpers for gardeners. Bees spread pollen around, which your garden needs if it is going to grow. Plants cannot grow fruit or bloom until they\'ve been \"fertilized\" with pollen. So, basically, you need to get used to seeing and dealing with bees. Making your garden friendly for bees is also a good idea. Bees really like tomatillos so planting them is a fantastic way to attract them to your garden. You want to plant at least one tomatillo plant for the bees to swarm in and around and then, if your family members are also fans of tomatillos plant some more in an another area of the garden for yourselves.

Composting is a fabulous way to make your garden healthier. Compost can be made at home without having to make any special purchases.

Building your own small compost pile is easy. Compost piles can be made from everything from paper to caged pet bedding to food scraps (plant based)-even used tea bags and egg shells and coffee grounds can be added to your compost pile. Don\'t toss any leftover meat scraps and the compost pile will flourish! By the time you are done you\'ll have a giant pile of home made fertilizer that you can use on your plants!

Learning how to garden is not very difficult. All you need to grow a healthy and thriving garden is some good advice to follow. Everybody can learn to grow a garden-it just takes patience and time!

As you put in the time and effort your gardens will continue to grow bigger and more beautiful!

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