Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gardening Tools Your Buddies Will Drool Over

Pretty much every adult has at least one moment of \"I would really like to have my own garden!\" Perhaps one person dreams of growing his own vegetables. Someone else might daydream of planting a beautiful rose garden. It doesn\'t matter what you want to grow or why you want to grow it; the important thing is finding the right tools to help you grow your garden. Most gardening can be done with your bare hands and brute strength. In order to save time and save your body (gardening can be hard on it), you should use gardening tools. The following are gardening tools that you can use to help you tend your garden.

Keep gardening shears and pruners handy-these tools are helpful to gardeners of every skill level. There are many different sizes of pruners and shears to choose from. These are tools that you can use to get rid of the dead or damaged parts of the different plants in your garden. Your plants will be healthier if you keep up on your pruning and cutting. For gardeners who plan to grow extensive flower patches, keeping clippers and pruners handy will be helpful when they want to create clippings. Cuttings are fantastic for starting new plants. You can decorate your house with the flower cuttings and clippings if they are taken after the flowers have bloomed. There should be a hose in every garden. Even if you only want to have one or two flower plants you should still have a hose. You can use your hose for other things-it is not just for watering your plants. Debris can easily be washed away with a garden hose-and it is gentle enough that your plants will stay safe. Many people use their garden hoses for lawn watering and car washing as well as garden watering!

If you plan on growing plants known for their \"pickiness\" a soil tester is a good idea. Some plants require soil that has a very specific PH balance or nutrient content. Your soil tester can help you determine if the soil you have on hand is right for the plants that you want to grow. Of course, this is a tool that only very serious gardeners usually see a need to invest in. People who grow orchids would find a soil tester very useful because orchids are famous for their sensitivity. Farmers who plant a variety of plants also find soil testers useful because they can help them better practice crop rotation.

It can take some time to figure out which gardening tools you need. Beginner gardeners are often tempted into buying things they don\'t need. Instead of dropping a few paychecks on gardening supplies you might not need start with a few basics and then add to your collection as you need to. This way you won\'t have to worry about spending too much money or wasting valuable storage space. Eventually you will be able to tell exactly which tool is needed for which gardening task you need to accomplish.

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