Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Netflix Adjusts Pricing, Renting Those Plastic Discs Just Got More Expensive

Netflix is officially on an all-out assault on the DVD -- or so says their just-released pricing strategy. The new prices yell loud and clear that streaming is the future and you're going to pay (literally) if you don't hop on the bandwagon. Maybe this is why Reed Hastings stated back in May that DVD shipments might go down for the first time ever. Gone are the plans that include streaming and DVD. Customers previously had the option of selecting the streaming plan for $7.99 and then paying an additional $2 to be able to rent one DVD at a time. Now the plans are separate with the streaming plan costing $7.99 and the DVD plan at $7.99; selecting both options for $16 results in a 60% price increase. Current subscribers will be able to ride the lower price until September 1st, but the plan just went live for new customers. Ouch.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/DE2KbXuaFCk/

ixys itron

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